Career Cluster: Health Science

Career Interview: Meet Dr Last Hamandiishe the Dentist

Following our article on Dentistry, we met up with Dr Hamandiishe who gave us a more vivid out look on pursuing this career line.

A Career in Dentistry

Dentistry is not only about taking away the pain from bad teeth. Dentists help people regain their confidence for that jaw dropping smile!

Career Interview with renowned Speech Therapist Olwen Morgen

I have worked as a speech and language therapist, therapy service manager... My career, spanning 30 years so far, has taken me from Zimbabwe to South Africa, UK, Denmark and Australia - and back!

Career Interview with Farzana Naeem: Senior Clinical Psychologist

Currently I'm a Senior Clinical Psychologist at Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals and Vice President of the Zimbabwe Psychological Association.

A career in Clinical Psychology

Psychology is one of those careers that you generally don’t hear local students aiming at. My hypothesis here is that: ignorance plays a huge role in “fuelling” this lack of interest